Solitude is a mirror - it reveals what is hidden.
Solitude strips away the masks and forces you to look at yourself…….
‘To find prosperity in life - help others prosper.’ - Dr. Joe Dispenza
We all teach what we need to learn and I have learnt the following about attracting and maintaining the abundant life that you may want to create…….
To love and be loved is what ultimately makes life worth living.
Let all that we do be done in love especially at this festive time of year!
When you love what you have - you have everything you need……..
Every thought you send out creates events in the universe, attracts people to you.
One high, healing thought can cancel out 10,000 or more negative ones.
It is not just yourself you are helping when you evolve your thoughts, but everyone around you……..
All we have is this moment and the choices it presents.
We’re being gifted to go inward and overcome what we can control - our minds and our bodies - spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically………
Your current life is to a large extent, the result of your past actions, experiences and choices - but the good news is that your future can be better than you ever imagined.......
Energy exists all around you.
Everything is alive in your universe and emits energy, which you can learn to sense.
Every place on earth has a different energy……..
Vibration is energy and the energy you hold in your thoughts and feelings on the inside attracts to you like a magnet the results on the outside……..It is crucial that you become aware of your internal energy field because you attract what matches your energy vibration……..
All energy travels in frequency and vibrations so by declaring what we want to happen and speaking of it out loud we move universal forces in our favour…….
Activating the good that is already in your life is the foundation of abundance.
Recognise the abundance that surrounds you……..