“Like it or not, ready or not, our mind is always creating and affecting our world and ourselves, affecting our present and our future. If we use our mind wisely, with compassion for other living beings, its tremendous power can bring more joy, success, freedom and happiness into our lives. To do this we need to understand how our mind works; how our intentions and actions affect our internal and external worlds. We need to understand karma.”- Phra Bhasakorn Bhavilai – Buddhist monk
We’re here to understand the inner game of life and understanding how our subconscious mind works is the key.
It’s having clarity and awareness about why we attract certain situations into our lives.
When you stop and think about why are you in a situation or dilemma that you attracted into your life - this is where law of attraction meets emotional intelligence. Like attracts like. These things that you expect come to you. What you constantly think about you bring about.
If you tell yourself, “do not think of something,” you will immediately think of it and that is where you are placing your emotional energy. The more emotion you put into anything the more you receive. When you constantly think about something that is what you get. So if you can train your subconscious to believe you’re lucky you will attract the good stuff like a magnet. If you keep thinking your luck is not going to change or you won’t find a wonderful relationship or you don’t deserve that house, when you constantly think about the amount of weight you have to lose, or you want to stop a habit, the moment pressure hits you return to the old habit, and that is what you continue to get.
Whatever you focus on you create.
You can say something, yet do something different – the gym, weight loss, morning routine etc. You start out with good intentions but don’t finish the gig.
So monitor what you think about. Everything that is seen comes from that which is unseen. Conscious thinking is not the solution. Understanding how your subconscious works is. Have you ever driven home from work and you don’t remember driving home because you were thinking about something else which was on your mind?
Your subsconsious mind is what drives the outcomes of your life.
So it’s really essential we understand how our subconscious mind works.
Decide what you want. Believe that you’ll get it. Live as if you already have it.
The Universe will respond to your bravery.
The more you can stay focused on your highest visions, the smoother and faster you’ll travel to where you want to be.
So be in the moment – live in the present because that’s where joy resides. If you constantly live in the past you’ll get depressed and if you worry about the future you just continue to get anxious. Live in the now – that is where you have control.
And never give up – there is no such thing as an ending, just a new beginning. The pain of today is the victory of tomorrow.
And remember – simplicity is underrated in a society that claims the more you achieve the better you are. You are enough, just as you are. Peace can be found where simplicity exists.
However, understanding and utilizing our subconscious mind which is the most powerful tool we have – the possibilities are endless. It always seems impossible until it’s done. You cannot have a positive life with a negative mind.
So master your subconscious mind each day by focusing on positive outcomes with the help of repetitive affirmations, visualizations with music to help get the creative juices flowing, meditation, gratitude and forgiveness and inner child work. You don’t want your subconscious mind to be running on old programmes from the past to create your future. My website is full of teachings showing you how to utilize this work.
And lastly, never wish pain on others. Even if they caused you pain. Wish them well and healing instead. The truth is they need it the most.
Everything in your life happens for a reason – your responsibility is to look at these things in your life and ask, why now? We attract the things we need to work on. Examine every situation in your life for its meaning, for its purpose. What is this supposed to teach me? It takes effort to be successful but the greatest effort is how you use your mind.
Once you have mastered this – you have mastered your life.
“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.”- Robert Louis Stevenson