‘Everything is energy. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.’ - Albert Einstein
Vibration is energy and the energy you hold in your thoughts and feelings on the inside attracts to you like a magnet the results on the outside.
Success is first an inside job before it can result on the outside – ask any successful sports person, CEO or entrepreneur.
It is crucial that you become aware of your internal energy field because you attract what matches your energy vibration.
The vibration of success is a universal law that works for everyone. It acts like a tuning fork that attracts success and opportunities to you.
This is where you manifest all the success and prosperity you could ever want.
That feeling of happiness when we get what we want.
Science has shown that everything is energy, including the material world.
How you vibrate is what the universe echoes back to you in every moment.
The better you feel, the more aligned you are vibrationally to the things you desire.
‘If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.’ - Nicola Tesla
That’s why doing what you love is so important.
It’s following your bliss.
It’s doing the things you are passionate about that brings true success.
Having a vibration of success is knowing you are already free, powerful, good and loved.
Give and be of service to others and have a strong sense of value, purpose and connection with life and the universe will respond by supporting your expanding vibration.
Gratitude opens your heart, connects you and aligns your vibration to that which you feel grateful for – so the vibration of gratitude attracts more positive things into your life.
So keep reminding yourself how lucky you are! Your subconscious does not know the difference between what is imagined and what is real – so visualise your success - feel it, see it, smell it!
People who are happy vibrate with a much higher frequency so prioritise feeling good and you will attract all the success you could ever want in life.
It’s building a relationship of trust with the universe.
Everyday you have to stand guard at the door of your mind to eliminate negative thinking because where thoughts go energy goes.
Feeding and strengthening your mind is the first step to getting out of that place of uncertainty and will start to re-tap your ability to thrive in any environment.
Remember, all is unfolding with perfect divine timing, however, learning to raise your vibration will help bring your desires to you… so meditate, use affirmations, use visualisations on a daily basis, to keep those vibrational energy levels high.
Feed and strengthen your spirit because one positive thought produces millions of positive vibrations.
Feed and strengthen your body for increased health and vitality. Get enjoyable exercise, good nutritious food, and plenty of water!
What feeds your spirit is to give – so do something for someone else which tunes you to a higher vibration of love.
Live your life by your intuition and what feels right. The more you allow your soul to shine through - the more authentic you are - the more things/people will come to you.
Be fully present in each moment because that’s where power resides. You’ll get a sense of peace if you do which raises your vibration.
If we are going to grow we need to do things we have never done before… it’s going to be uncomfortable if we are growing, but we must learn to be ok in that discomfort because that’s where the juice of life lives.
Take action, make that call, write that e-mail, the more you check-in with yourself and take action the less stuck and struggling you will feel which raises your vibration.
And remember, don’t take things too seriously – seeing friends you love, putting on some music and dancing helps you live a good life and raises your vibration.
Getting very clear about your goals and getting out of your own way and focusing on that vision and defining success for yourself raises your vibration.
Changing your words raises your vibration – your words carry tremendous energy.
‘By seeing the best in other people, you will put yourself in a phenomenal vibration.’ - Bob Proctor
Nothing succeeds like success… so learn to vibrate at the highest frequency possible and you’ll attract all the success you could possibly want!
Remember to know that You Are Loved, You Are Love, and You Love – this is a great positive mantra to start the day.
Ultimately, it’s all about love. Love of yourself. Love of the Universe. You raise your vibration through the power of love.
And so it is.
‘Follow your bliss’ - Joseph Campbell