‘Meditation is all about connecting with your soul. Part of maintaining your wellbeing is taking the time to disconnect from the outside to go within.’ - Deepak Chopra
Security comes from an unshakable connection to your soul.
When you understand this - money will probably flow more easily into your life…..
When you are afraid, imagine that you are being held
And embraced by the most loving friend you have ever had
One who cares for you unconditionally
Who loves you whether you have high thoughts or low
Who is by your side all the time and embraces you with constant light and inner peace.
This is your soul.
Learn to regularly tune in and ground yourself.
‘Listen. Make a way for yourself inside yourself.’ - Rumi
We need to establish regular practices to create space in our lives in order to connect to our inner wisdom and guidance system.
Practices like meditation, mindfulness, prayer, journaling and contemplation create such a space.
Life is much more magical, mysterious and grander than we are educated to believe.
So open yourself up and get connected to the inner flow of life.
We are spiritual beings having a human experience.
So connect to your spiritual power.
Connect to your spiritual guides.
Connect to your soul.
‘I felt protected as though angels were holding me. I’ve always believed in invisible forces and I know they’ve helped me…..’ - Charlotte Rampling
Connect with something greater than yourself.
There is an invincible energy force everywhere that is made up of infinite possibilities and we draw from it through our beliefs and expectations.
This energy is limitless, abundant and gives unlimited guidance - we just have to be open and ready and believe in this transformative spiritual life force.
In order to attain success, fulfilment and happiness it is important to embrace your spiritual power.
It comes from the core of who you are and reflects all that you are meant to be.
‘Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.’ - Confucius
No matter where you are in life, you will not truly understand real power until you have combined this with your spiritual power which allows you to attain balance and harmony in your life and connection to your soul.
Our connection to soul is primarily a felt experience.
‘For me the soul is connected to a higher being; it’s not about religion it’s about connecting to your true self, your truth, the truth inside of you, the one you were born with. - Donna Karan
That’s why setting aside quiet time for meditation or mindfulness is a great way to establish a strong spiritual practice and will improve your health and wellbeing.
Meditation unlocks the truth.
Just 15 minutes a day can change your life to a deeper connection to your soul.
‘Turn off your mind, relax and float downstream.’ - John Lennon
The mind, body and spirit are all connected so if you look after your body you automatically increase your spiritual and mental health too.
Here are a further 8 ways to embrace your spiritual power and connection to your soul:
1. As you begin your spiritual practice – look out for signs and synchronicities that give you a wink from the universe to encourage you on your seekers path.
2. Writing in a journal - especially after meditating - can reveal answers to the root of a problem and it may not be what you expect. Or write the universe a letter and request help and thank her for her guidance and then take action.
3. Attend workshops, classes and retreats and get together with other like minded seekers and connect to your tribe which can give you a sense of belonging, security and community on your soul connection journey. Focus on giving time and energy which enhances your spiritual well-being.
4. Trust your gut - your intuition – whatever fuels your interest, resonates with your heart and feeds your soul – just do it!
‘Music has infinite power to reach the gap between the heart and the soul to create infinite and ineffable joy.’ - Brian Eno
5. Become a life long learner – education and learning new skills will enhance your spiritual power and therefore nourishes your soul.
6. Another way of feeding your soul is to have a good nutritious diet with lots of mineral water to flush your system and keep your energy levels high.
‘Starve your ego. Feed your soul.’ - Deepak Chopra
Once you accept the important role food plays in your life – why wouldn’t you look after yourself this way?
Remember the body keeps score and always wins.
So what nourishes your body nourishes your soul.
Do all of this because you love yourself.
Self-love is a huge part of connecting to your soul and a spiritual practice.
7. Lots of fun exercise out in nature can be a great way to start your day. I believe my soul connects to nature as though it has come home again……
‘Joy is one of the five noble emotions and laughter is its language.’ - Deepak Chopra
Walking on the grass in bare feet and hugging a tree can be a great way to get that spiritual connection with the earth.
We are part of this great abundance of nature so enjoy its beauty by seeing and feeling it as it nourishes your soul.
I walk in nature for @45 minutes every day and have learnt that nature improves my peace of mind, my sense of wellbeing and my connection with the natural world.
I absolutely love it and it has become an essential part of my day.
Do this because you love yourself and you create your own happiness with a greater connection to your soul.
Remember the universe wants you to be happy.
There are more ordinary hours in life than extraordinary ones and I believe happiness means finding a moment of joy in those ordinary hours…..
When watering your plants and the fragrance of a flower makes you joyful……or walking in the park and a beautiful butterfly lands on your arm and takes your breath away….when standing in a queue and you make a new friend, when sweeping a room can invoke a fresh start, open a path to a solution, calm a noisy mind and cultivate mindfulness……
8. Gratitude and forgiveness play a powerful role in a daily spiritual practice with affirmations and visualisations to help co-create your future and release you from old patterns of limiting beliefs. The mind likes repetition.
When we claim an attitude of gratitude we are energetically aligned with abundance.
This is how we cultivate an abundant mindset.
How you spend your time defines who you are and everything you do impacts on your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual life.
Part of your journey into light is to be able to create space inside of yourself that sense of safety.
That assurance that the world is friendly and that you are loved and protected by a caring and generous universe.
Ask your soul to assist you.
‘Quiet the mind and the soul will speak.’ - Rumi
Calm your breathing and go inward with meditation until you find that place of trust and that inner voice that reflects intuitive insight and nourishes you…..
Going inward allows you to see into your soul and understand yourself better.
Have a beautiful month ahead.
'This life is too short for our souls' - Goethe