Your body is always communicating with you.
Your body is an amazing, finely tuned instrument.
It performs so many tasks each day without us needing to consciously think about it.
So this is a gentle reminder……..
Read MoreYour body is always communicating with you.
Your body is an amazing, finely tuned instrument.
It performs so many tasks each day without us needing to consciously think about it.
So this is a gentle reminder……..
Read MoreForgiveness is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself……
Read MoreI believe we are currently in a time of universal transition on all levels - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual……
However do remember that inner peace is possible in times of stress….
Read MoreEvery thought you send out creates events in the universe, attracts people to you.
One high, healing thought can cancel out 10,000 or more negative ones…….
Read MoreSecurity comes from an unshakable connection to your soul.
Learn to regularly tune in and ground yourself……
Read MoreI’ve learnt that the better you feel the more you allow – that is the Law of the Universe and the Law of Attraction…..
Read MoreTo love and be loved is what ultimately makes life worth living.
Let all that we do be done in love…….
Read MoreIt’s time to become aware of your own personal thoughts on an ongoing daily basis and to act from a place of love, raise the vibrations and vision the world we want to see…….
Read MoreIf you’re going through a divine storm right now – see it as a gift……
Read MoreThe magic in manifesting is all about co-creating with the Universe…….
Read MoreIf you’re going through a divine storm right now – see it as a gift.
We’ve all had a divine storm in our lives…..
Read MoreReleasing resistance is key if you want to attract all that you desire.
Resistance to change is always the biggest obstacle.
Read MoreRead More‘Time isn’t precious at all, because it is an illusion. What you perceive as precious is not time but the one point that is out of time: the Now. That is precious indeed. The more you are focused on time—past and future—the more you miss the Now, the most precious thing there is.’
― Eckhart Tolle
‘The entire universe is conspiring to give you everything you want.’ - Abraham Hicks
Read More‘Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.’ - Buddha
‘Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.’ - Buddha
Firstly, again I hope you and your loved ones are safe and well.
I understand that this is still an anxious time for most people and the ongoing uncertainty about the future - however it is also a perfect time to rethink how we live our lives.
The Law of Attraction states that what you focus on you will get, so focus on the outcome you want and remember that having all the things that we desire doesn't guarantee what we really want, which is ultimately to be happy.
Read More‘Happiness depends on ourselves.’ - Aristotle
‘Happiness depends on ourselves.’ - Aristotle
Read More‘The world we are experiencing today is the result of our collective consciousness and if we want a new world, each of us must start taking responsibility for helping create it.’ - Rosemary Fillmore Rhea
‘The world we are experiencing today is the result of our collective consciousness and if we want a new world, each of us must start taking responsibility for helping create it.’ - Rosemary Fillmore Rhea
Read More‘Prayer by itself is not sufficient to bring about peace of mind. What is much more effective is coming to understand the workings of the mind.’ - The Dalai Lama
First I hope you and your family and friends are safe and well.
I understand that this is an anxious time for most people and the ongoing uncertainty about the future - however it is also a perfect time to rethink how we live our lives.
Activating the good that is already in your life is the foundation of abundance.
Read More‘Situations don’t make you unhappy. They may cause you physical pain, but they don’t make you unhappy. Your thoughts make you unhappy. Your interpretations, the stories you tell yourself make you unhappy.’ - Eckhart Tolle
Read More