Use the voice of your soul to free yourself
Read MoreEmbrace Your Inner Child
The inner child is deep within each of us as the memory of the child outgrown. This child is within us at all times and should be nurtured and treasured every day.
Read MoreCreate Your Day
The Energy Of Abundance Is Already Within You
Activating the good that is already in your life is the foundation of abundance.
Recognise the abundance that surrounds you.
The Power of Vulnerability
So be grateful for your most uncomfortable circumstances. They shine a light on the areas that are tender and vulnerable and can prove to be one of your greatest strengths.
Read MoreSensing Energy
Energy exists all around you. Everything is alive in your universe and emits energy, which you can learn to sense. Every place on earth has a different energy.
Read MoreWe Are Part of Nature’s Abundant Wonder and Radiant Beauty
‘I think of my trees as part of my extended family.’ - Judy Dench
Nature is an all-round beautiful thing and we are part of it.
It brings wonder and beauty to us and our planet.
I personally love nature. It gives us so much abundance, we are able to thrive!
Taking time to watch the blooming blossoms on the trees this late spring is just
Gardens improve our peace of mind, our sense of wellbeing and our connection with the natural world. We need nature for our health and wellbeing.
‘Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing.’ - Camille Pissarro
I believe people with a strong connection to nature experience more life satisfaction and it’s been proven that exercising outside in nature has a much more beneficial effect on our health and happiness quotient than going to a gym!
I will often walk on the grass barefoot or go hug a tree to re-connect to the source and ground my connection to the Earth. I do this in my workshops with my students too - a great way to start and uplift a class if the weather is good!
There is no separation between our inner state and our outer looks.
The outer and the inner “you” are connected and influence one another. When we take care of ourselves, we look good and thus, we feel better about ourselves. When we feel better about ourselves, more confident and self-assured, we look better. This experience of feeling great about ourselves, inside and out, translates into everything we say and do, aspire to and accomplish. Relationships, communication, self expression — all of it.
‘Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.’ - Kahil Gibran
We are radiant beings and Life Force is activated by our perpetual state of mind. When we take care of our thoughts and realise that we really do create our reality with the way we think and the way we choose to relate to our circumstances, then that interior state of beauty, the vital force, also reflects magnificently in our appearance.
The more you style yourself as a candidate for increased wealth and prosperity (just like the abundance in nature) the easier fortune will find and smile on you too. That doesn't mean that you need to spend lots of money on fashion. But it does require you to present an image of someone who is ambitious and ready to assume control of their destiny.
So become a radiant beauty and acknowledge the good that is already in your life – this is the foundation of abundance. It’s not out there, it is within you.
Life is abundant.
Recognise the abundance that surrounds you.
Connect with nature.
The Earth.
Our breath.
There is no lack.
The energy of abundance is already within you.
The fullness of life is already within you.
Whatever you think the world is withholding from you is really you withholding from the world, because deep down you feel small and have nothing to give.
Stop. You know better than that.
Help others and the Universe will help you.
Give what you most want to receive – love, support, abundance, appreciation - and you will receive in abundance by return.
And yes, acknowledging all the good that is in your life right now is the foundation for attracting more abundance!
Keeping a gratitude journal is a great way of reminding yourself how lucky you really are and will raise your vibration to attract the abundance and prosperity you so desire.
So be in the moment and recognise the fullness of your life – even if it’s just the air you breath. Rich means to be in touch with the fullness of life within you and being fully alive in the present moment. This will in return bring external fullness and abundance too.
In fact, if you look in nature, beauty is abundant and awesomely, overwhelmingly breath taking.
Your external appearance is often indicative of your internal discipline.
Your thinking creates your life. So become a radiant beauty by training your inner thoughts to create your life.
‘Beauty is an internal light, a spiritual radiance that all women have, but most women hide – unconsciously denying its existence. What we do not claim, remains invisible.’ - Marianne Williamson
Heal Your Relationship With Yourself
The most important relationship of all is the one you have with yourself.So take care of your feelings and needs and bring healthy balance into your life.
Read MoreAnything You Are Seeking is Seeking You
The better you feel, the more aligned you are vibrationally to the things you desire, so anything you are seeking is vibrationally seeking you.
Read MoreToday I Choose Joy
Stop looking for happiness in the same place you lost it – Lady Gaga
You were born with the ability to achieve whatever you can imagine.
Read MoreTrust the Universe
It’s important to know that your self-worth is not defined by your net worth.
If your self-worth is determined by things outside of yourself then you are always going to go through fluctuations where times are good and times are bad.
Read MoreWhat You Believe Is What You Attract
This is the foundation of the Law of Attraction.
Quantum Physics says everything is energy. What will flow into your life is a copy of the feelings and beliefs you send out.
Cells behave with information they get from energy around your body. Atoms share information.
Read MoreYour Subconscious Mind Drives The Outcomes Of Your Life
We’re here to understand the inner game of life and understanding how our subconscious mind works is the key.
It’s having clarity and awareness about why we attract certain situations into our lives.
Read MoreThe Energy Of The Goddess Has Returned
The energy of the goddess has returned and is being anchored fully and powerfully.
We are giving birth to the empowered self, the authentic self.
I believe this is a watershed moment in history whereby the terrifying magnitude of sexual harassment and assault and abuse of power that has been going on behind closed doors for decades in Hollywood and in global corporations and governments has finally shocked the collective consciousness to say enough is enough. There is no going back from this.
Read MoreForgiveness
If we didn’t make mistakes we would never learn and grow.
Forgiving yourself is loving yourself and is often the first step towards a more loving and positive relationship with yourself and with others.
Read MoreThe Magic Alchemy Of Positive Daily Rituals
Daily rituals are where the power resides in a step-by-step process to get you to where you want to be. After all, you can plan for the future, but you can only take charge of the present moment. So take positive steps today towards your desired outcome and know that you will have everything you need in each moment that follows.
Read MoreMeditation in Nature
Life is mirroring back to you what you are feeling inside.
So silence the mind in meditation, because the quieter you become the more you can hear.
Silence isn’t empty. It’s full of answers.
The Vibration Of Success
Vibration is energy and the energy you hold in your thoughts and feelings on the inside attracts to you like a magnet the results on the outside.
Success is first an inside job before it can result on the outside – ask any successful sports person, CEO or entrepreneur.
Read MoreYour Invisible Power
In life and work, success begins with a goal.
Visualisation brings order to your mind and is actually based on neuroscience principles.
Read MoreEmpowering Ourselves
We can often forget that the most intimate and closest relationship we will ever have is with our own self. So talk to yourself like you would to someone you love.
Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.
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