You are already enough.
Perfectionism is a fear of not feeling enough, which leads to procrastination.
How to counterbalance this?
Read MoreYou are already enough.
Perfectionism is a fear of not feeling enough, which leads to procrastination.
How to counterbalance this?
Read MoreHealth is a gift of life.
It’s good to be grateful for our health to continue to receive more good health.
However, the best cure for the body is a quiet mind.
Read MoreThe only limitation is in our subconscious mind.
So stop creating illusional problems.
The truth is we can have anything we want if we give up the belief we cannot have it……..
Read MoreYour body is always communicating with you.
Your body is an amazing, finely tuned instrument.
It performs so many tasks each day without us needing to consciously think about it.
So this is a gentle reminder……..
Read MoreDaily rituals are where the power resides in a step-by-step process to get you to where you want to be……..
Read MoreForgiveness is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself……
Read MoreEvery thought you send out creates events in the universe, attracts people to you.
One high, healing thought can cancel out 10,000 or more negative ones…….
Read MoreSecurity comes from an unshakable connection to your soul.
Learn to regularly tune in and ground yourself……
Read MoreYou are the universe of your life.
Your inner light shines when you are at peace with yourself and the world around you.
Read MoreChanneling is the intuitive ability to communicate with angels, spirit guides, ascended masters and divine spirits and beings in spiritual realms.
So follow your heart and develop your intuition and let it lead the way to manifest your ideal life…..
Read MoreIt’s important to acknowledge the energy we are putting out in the world - not only for ourselves but our energetic impact on others too……
So be the energy you would like to attract.
Read MoreI’ve learnt that the better you feel the more you allow – that is the Law of the Universe and the Law of Attraction…..
Read MoreYou have the power over 3 things in life, your perceptions, your decisions and your actions……
Read MoreTo love and be loved is what ultimately makes life worth living.
Let all that we do be done in love…….
Read MoreIt’s time to become aware of your own personal thoughts on an ongoing daily basis and to act from a place of love, raise the vibrations and vision the world we want to see…….
Read MoreIf you’re going through a divine storm right now – see it as a gift……
Read MoreThe magic in manifesting is all about co-creating with the Universe…….
Read MoreIf we use our mind wisely, with compassion for other living beings, its tremendous power can bring more joy, success, freedom and happiness into our lives………
Read MoreLife is mirroring back to you what you are feeling inside.
So silence the mind in meditation, because the quieter you become the more you can hear…….
Read MoreIf you’re going through a divine storm right now – see it as a gift.
We’ve all had a divine storm in our lives…..
Read More